
Homemade care

Compassionate home care for your loved ones


Compassionate home care for your loved ones

Call 020 7871 9450

Kingsmith Care is a small, family run home care company covering Hammersmith & Fulham and the surrounding areas.
Our service harks back to the days when people got to know each other. We believe in building relationships and don’t
think care should be a numbers game. Our only ambition is to provide the best possible quality of life for our clients.

We don’t promise miracles, but there’s no substitute for people living independently with dignity.

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“Best people, best care available. Don't
provide your loved ones with anything

Are you looking for a social care role with a company that supports you?


Getting to know us

Hi, I’m Agathe.
The part of my job I love the most is making peoples’ lives feel easier and hopefully bringing them some joy.  I think the world could be a better place if we reduced loneliness in old age. A bit of time and company is all that's needed.

My idea of happiness is sunshine, coffee, a good book and good company!

Get to know more about us

Get in touch

Drop us a line and we’ll give you our honest, expert advice about how we might be able help

Contact Kingsmith Care for a chat

Case studies

Elderly Care

Mrs Cotton’s husband died recently. Mr Cotton had always been the driver in the household. He drove them to the supermarket each week, and they regularly made trips to visit their grandchildren outside London by car as well. Mr Cotton also made sure any repairs around the house were taken, and did the heavy work at the allotment he had Mrs Cotton had worked...

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Respite Care

Mrs Gray lives at the opposite end of the District line to her father, who lives in Hammersmith. He is now in his early 90s. Since the death of his wife, Mrs Gray noticed that her father had started losing weight. When we met with Mrs Gray and her father at his home, we discovered that he had been skipping meals, particularly breakfast, and spending all day in his pyjamas...

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“If anyone can make the values of compassion, integrity and respect come to life in home care
services, it’s you”

What next?

Call 020 7871 9450 to talk things through, or click here to read about the next steps